
Short term car park
Parking under 10 hours or less uncovered.
*Accessible car spaces available
*Accessible car spaces available
Length of stay
Price (Inc. GST)
0 - 1/2 hour
1/2 hour - 1 hour
1 - 2 hours
2 - 3 hours
3 - 4 hours
4 - 5 hours
5 - 6 hours
6 -7 hours
Max $15.00 per day
Long term car park
Parking overnight or longer covered.
Charges are based on a 24 hour period.
*Accessible car spaces available
Charges are based on a 24 hour period.
*Accessible car spaces available
Length of stay
Price (Inc. GST)
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
7+ days per day

Car Parking Map
Directions: Paying for parking
- On entry to the car park, push the button to receive a ticket. Payment is made on departure.
- Cash and Credit card payments can be made at one of the pay stations located in the arrivals area.
- Credit card payments are also accepted at the carpark exits.
- If you require a receipt, you will need to put your ticket into the pay station then press the receipt button before making payment. Take the ticket with you and put it into the machine at the car park exit.
- Motorbikes also need to park in the bays provided within the public car park.
Accessible Parking
- Accessible parking bays are available in both the short and long-term car park and at the drop off/pick up zone.
Passenger drop off and pick up
- Passengers must be picked up and dropped off from the short-term car park allocated loading zone (see car park map). Use of this area is strictly for pick up/drop off’s only – Parking is prohibited (penalties apply).
Take your time saying goodbye
- Free parking is available for half an hour in the short-term car park.
Conditions of Parking
Mount Isa Airport in conjunction with Mount Isa Council will tow and impound any vehicle whose owner/driver does not comply with these conditions.
By entering this car park, YOU AGREE to:
- Take a ticket before entering and retain it to be able to pay before leaving.
- Park only in a designated parking bay, in a safe and orderly manner.
- On payment of the parking fee, immediately return to your vehicle and exit the car park (additional fees apply if you do not exit within 15 minutes after payment).
- Not park your vehicle in the car park for more than 45 days, and;
- Permit Mount Isa Airport to remove your vehicle from the place it is parked if Mount Isa Airport considers the vehicle is parked in an unauthorised or unsafe position, or is abandoned, and store it at your cost and risk.
- The maximum parking time for this car park is 45 days. Vehicles parked beyond the maximum parking time will be deemed to be abandoned.
- Mount Isa Airport accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any vehicle using this car park, including any vehicle towed by it.
- You must at all times while in the car park comply with all oral and written directions and requests made by Mount Isa Airport or person duly authorised by Mount Isa Airport.
- If you do not agree to these conditions, you must immediately exit the car park with your vehicle.
- These terms and conditions are subject to any non-excludable statutory obligations imposed upon Mount Isa Airport. Mount Isa Airport means Mount Isa Airport Pty Limited.
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